Paper 2 key terminology 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Psychologynon-verbal communication, criminal behaviour, cognitive development, the self & perceptionGCSEOCR Created by: rj1912Created on: 04-03-17 11:44 telling others what we are thinking, feeling or planning by some recognised body movement non verbal communication 1 of 10 a criminal act is any behaviour that breaks the law crime 2 of 10 a collection of traits that makes a person different from ‘normal’, law-abiding people criminal personality 3 of 10 age-related changes cognitive development 4 of 10 same stages, in a fixed order invarient 5 of 10 pattern of development of thinking is the same for children in all cultures universal 6 of 10 a one off which is not repeated, individual unique 7 of 10 the ability to make your own decisions, uninfluenced by others free will 8 of 10 the cognitive process of interpreting data once it has been sensed perception 9 of 10 the physical process of collecting information from the environment via our senses sensation 10 of 10
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