paper one and two revision 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe Cold WarGCSEAQA Created by: lucy_townend16Created on: 09-02-16 09:44 which main countries were involved in the cold war? america,britian,vietnam,ussr and germany 1 of 6 why was usa and ussr in conflict? because america had the atomic bomb first and ussr wanted to make one 2 of 6 what were the two divides between usa and britian, and germany and ussr? britian and usa are capatlists, germany and ussr are communist 3 of 6 what did america do to help countires who were under the treat of becoming communist? he set up the marshl plan that gave them kinds of countries money and aid to fight off communism 4 of 6 which country was the blockaid in? berlin, germany 5 of 6 which countires were in the nato pact britian, america and any other country that is capatlist and wants protection against communist countries. 6 of 6
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