Paper Sociologists
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- Created by: Megnicpip
- Created on: 26-05-19 16:03
Science Belief: Postmodernist Kaplan
science is seldom, the result of logical procession..can scrutinise and replicate
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Science Belief: Postmodernist Feyeraband
have an expectation of what they will find and find it...they are not as open as they seem
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Totems: Durkheim
all religions have these
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Civil Religion: Durkheim
totem that represents a nation is its flag...totems in Aborigines are much more than a symbol of deity
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Civil Religion: Anderson
a nation is an imagined community
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Civil Religion: Functionalists
based on shared norms and values
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Civil Religion: Marx
nationalism is a form of class conciousness
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Inclusive Definition of Religion: Aldridge
its too broad and includes beliefs that are not religious
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Inclusive Definition of Religion: Scharf
faithful following alone cannot be considered a religion for example Nazism
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Exclusive Definition of Religion: Giddens
humankind does not focus on super-humans when considering a religious stance
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Social Construct Definitions of Religion: Marx
religion has been created to keep status quo
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Secularisation: Stark
Europe and the western world is most secularised
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Secularisation: Wilson
the process whereby religion looses social significance
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Secularisation: Bruce
multi-faceted and difficult to define in a way that is acceptable
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Secuarisation: Casanova
declining importance as a social structure..separation of religion from public life..decline in belief and practice
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Secularisation: Bruce..not secularised
not consciously religious in intent
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Historical Role of Church: Parsons
structural differentiation
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Historical Role of Church: Bruce
church has adopted new role as critic of the government..for example John Knox
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Globalisation in Religion: Lyon
disneyfication..need to appeal to informal structures to survive...Harvest Day Crusade was held at Disneyland, California
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Globalisation in Religion: Giddens
promotes values such as freedom, liberal attitudes to a variety of topics...risk and doubt has increased reflextivity
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Globalisation in Religion: Maffesoli
interest groups have taken the place of traditional religion.."time of the tribes"..fluid and flexible
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Decline in Deaths: Tranter
3/4 of decline was due to a fall in diseases such as typhoid
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Decline in Deaths: Walker
those living in the poorest areas of England die on average of 7 years earlier than those in the richest areas
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Globalisation in Demography: Erikson
migrants less likely to see themselves as completely belonging..created more diverse migration patterns..networks rather than permanent settlement
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Globalisation in Demography: Eade
Bangladeshi Muslims created hierarchical identities
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Globalisation in Demography: Castle and Kosack
benefits capitalism, using racist scapegoating, dividing WC, preventing united action in defence of their personal interests
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Globalisation in Demography: Castle
assimilation policies are conter-productive because they make EM's seem culturally backward
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Declining Birth Rate: Harper
change in mind set
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Cults: Bruce
it is not a 20th century phenomen
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Cults: McGuire
do not need to use categories so rigidly
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Cults: Beckford
negative connotations which do not match their activities
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Cults: Stark and Bainbridge
it is new=new ideas and new to society
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Cults: Wallis
undemanding, high turnover, regarded as deviant, little or no social control loosely structured
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World Affirming Movements: Wallis
accept the world as it is, aim to teach to release your spirituality, exclusive, adapt to overcome problems
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World Accommodating Movements: Wallis
categories could not be discrete from each other
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Denominations: Niebhur
caused after a schism in the church, have a hierarchy conservative, often lower classes
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Church: Davie
church does not always promote conservative ideologies
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Church: Bruce
Troeltschs' definition is better suited to pre-industrial societies
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Church: Troeltsch
members are born into faith, all classes, formal hierachy, maintain power and stratification, support value consensus and status quo
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New Age Movements: Bruce
people participate with more superficial intent
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New Age Movements: White
not new but represent a return to pre-christian beliefs
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New Age Movements: Dunne
truth appeals in an individualistic society
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Sects: Barret
stigmatise any small group as dangerous
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Sects: Bruce
attractive to young adults
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Sects: Wilson
rejects the idea that they are short lived
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Sects: Stark and Bainbridge
formed as an off shoot of an existing religion as a result of a schism
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Sects: Wallis
advocate religious doctrines regarded as deviant...hostile to the state and non-members
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Sects: Barret
stigmatise any group as dangerous
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Sects: Niebhur
have a limited life span then: charactersistics start to become mainstream or once charismatic leader dies so does the cult
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Science Belief: Postmodernist Feyeraband
have an expectation of what they will find and find it...they are not as open as they seem
Card 3
Totems: Durkheim
Card 4
Civil Religion: Durkheim
Card 5
Civil Religion: Anderson
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