Paper 1- Causes of WW1
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- Created by: Anni
- Created on: 15-05-13 18:30
Who are the members of the Triple Entente?
France, Britain and Russia.
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Who are the members of the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.
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What year was the Fraco-Prussian War?
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Who was the leader of Germany in the lead up to WW1?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
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What did Germany take from France in the Franco-Prussian War?
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What year was German unification, and who unified Germany?
Germany was unified in 1871 by Bismark, Chancellor of Germany.
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What does Germany fear in Europe in the late 1800s- early 1900s?
A war on two fronts.
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Why is there tension between Britain and Germany?
German trade is increasing, and she is building up her empire and her navy.
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What is Austria-Hungary's main problem in the build up to WW1?
She is having trouble controlling the different races in her empire, and Serbia want control of the Slavs.
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Who is Serbia's strongest ally?
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What policy do Britain follow in the late 1800's and early 1900's?
Splendid isolation
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Why did Britain ally with Russia?
After loosing the Russo-Japanese War with her ally Japan she wasn't a threat to Britain. Also they supported France at Algeciras together.
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When was the Russo-Japanese War?
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What year was the Anglo-Russian Agreement?
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What year was the Entente Cordiale?
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Why did Britain and France sign the Entente Cordiale?
They agreed France would let Britain go ahead with reform in Egypt if France could have Morocco, this was not a defensive agreement however later military plans were discussed.
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When was the Franco-Russian Alliance?
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Why did France and Russia have an alliance?
Russia's alliance with Germany was cut-off by the Kaiser so in common hatred of Germany they made a defensive alliance to encircle her. France also hated Germany after the war debt they paid after the Franco-Prussian War.
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What was Kaiser Wilhelm's foreign policy called?
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Who were the Pan-German League?
An organisation who looked forward to a Mitteleuropa, a central European state dominated by Germany.
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When was Kaiser Wilhelm II's interview with the Daily Telegraph?
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What did the Kaiser say in his interview with the Daily Telegraph?
Refused to set any bounds on expansion of trade, Germany taker her place in the sun, Germany must have a powerful fleet to protect trade and German people disliked British, "Mad as March Hares".
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What year was the first Moroccan Crisis?
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What year was the Algeciras Conference in Spain?
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What year did Britain launch the first Dreadnought?
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What year was the Bosnian Crisis?
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What year was the second Moroccan Crisis? (Agadir)
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What years were the Balkan Wars?
1912 and 1913
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What date was the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo?
28th June,1914
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What was the British slogan for the need for more Dreadnoughts in 1909?
"We want eight and we won't wait!"
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When did Britain introduce conscription?
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From 3 years, what did Russia increase the conscription period to?
3 and a half years.
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From 2 years what did France increase the conscription period to?
3 years.
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How did Germany view the Entente Cordiale?
They didn't know how strong it was and saw it as Britain abandoning them.
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Why was the Triple Alliance formed?
To isolate France and separate it from Russia.
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How did France and Russia strengthen their alliance?
France lent Russia money to to develop its railways.
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What was the three power standard and who operated under it?
Britain decided that her navy had to be as large as the next 3 largest fleets combined.
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What year was the Anglo-Japanese Alliance?
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What year did Germany start to build up her navy slightly?
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Why did Britain abandon its policy of Splendid Isolation?
Germany wanted trade, empire and a navy, and made its sympathy for the Boers who rebelled against Britain in 1902 public.
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Why did Britain need a large navy?
They were an island, and used their navy to manage trade and their large empire?
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When was the Anglo-Japanese Alliance
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What happened in 1898?
The Kaiser ordered Admiral Tirpitz to expand the navy.
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Why did the Kaiser want a large navy?
To expand trade and empire?
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What does France do in 1903?
Place her troops on the Moroccan border.
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What happens in February 1905?
France demands control of the Moroccan army and police and the Sultan refuses.
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What does the Kaiser do in March 1905?
Visit Tangiers on a white horse with a parade and says that Germany will support Moroccan independence and trade with her.
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Why didn't France back down in the first Moroccan Crisis?
She had Britain's supoprt, Russia also supported her at the Algeciras conference.
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What was the outcome of the Algeciras conference?
Spain and France gained joint support of the Moroccan police force, and Germany had to promise not to interfere in Morocco.
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What were some results of the first Moroccan Crisis?
Alliances strengthened by supporting one another at conference, Russia and Britain make an agreement, Germany is identified as a common enemy.
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How did France interfere in Morocco between the first and second crisis?
They loaned Morocco money and took control of taxes.
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What happened in Morocco in 1911?
There was a rebellion against the Sultan, so France took over Morocco.
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How did Germany try to ensure decent compensation when France took over Morocco?
Put a gunship, "the Panther" by Agadir.
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What did Germany get as compensation for Morocco?
Swampy land in the French Congo which was no good for trade or prestige.
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Why did Germany's actions in Agadir shock and annoy Britain?
They feared that Germany were planning to set up a naval base and saw this as a rival to their naval superiority.
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What were the terms of Britain and France's secret naval agreement?
Britain would defend the North French coast by sea and France would defend the Mediterranean.
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Why did Agaidir strengthen Germany's relationship with Austria- Hungary?
Italy opposed their actions so they relied more heavily on Austria-Hungary.
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What is panslavism?
An idea of all Slavs being united under a state ruled by Serbia, away from Austria-Hungary's and Turkey's control.
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Why is panslavism a worry for Austria-Hungary?
If Slavs living there successfully gained independence the other nationalities in their empire would demand independence, making their Empire fall apart.
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What happened in Turkey in 1908?
A revolution.
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What did Austria-Hungary do in 1908?
Annexed Bosnia.
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Why did Serbia oppose Austria-Hungary annexing Bosnia?
Serbia wanted to control all Slavs but was too weak to confront Austria-Hungary alone so looked to Russia for help, who backed Serbia's demands for an international conference.
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What did Germany do to Russia and Serbia's demands for an international conference over Bosnia?
Dismissed them, threatening to declare war on Serbia and Russia, which they weren't strong enough to win.
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What were the results of the Bosnian Crisis?
Austria-Hungary knew they had Germany's full support , however they both distanced themselves from Italy who did not support their actions. Russia improved their military desperate to never back down again and support Serbia.
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What happened in the Balkan Wars?
Serbia defeated the Turks and were determined to bring down Austria-Hungary but couldn't without support of other countries.
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Who were the Black Hand Gang?
A group of around 2,500 Bosnian and Serb terrorists formed in 1911 lead by important Serbian military leaders who wanted Slav freedom to create a Greater Serbia.
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Who assassinated Archduke Franz-Ferdinand?
Gavrillo Princip
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Who is Dragutin Dimitijevic?
Apis, the leader of the Black Hand Gang, and a Serbian official.
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What did Austria-Hungary send to Serbia after the assassination?
10 point ultimatum
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Which point of the 10 point ultimatum didn't Serbia accept?
Point 6- Austro-Hungarion involvement in the trial of the criminals involved in the assassination.
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What did Germany send to Austria-Hungary, which is a reason why they declared war?
A blank cheque, physically and financially supporting them.
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Who was Conrad Von Hotzendorf?
An Austro-Hungarian official and close friend of the Archduke's who proposed war against Serbia 25 times. After the assassination he said that Austria-Hungary must declare war on Serbia or independent races will rally and their empire will crumble.
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When did Russia start preparing for war?
30th July, as after the Bosnian Crisis they wanted to be sure to support Serbia.
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When did Alfred Von Schliefen come up with the Schliefen Plan?
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What were the main aims of the Schlieffen Plan?
To fight France first while Russia mobilized it's army, then fight Russia to avoid a war on two fronts. They would attack France though Belgium as the border was too well guarded.
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When did Germany attack through Belgium?
2nd August 1914
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What were the main problems with the Schlieffen Plan?
Russia mobilized their army sooner then expected and advanced on Germany from the east, Belgium resisted the Germans better than expected and Britain and France managed to cross the Marne faster than expected.
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What date was the blank cheque?
6th July 1914
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When was the 10 point Ultimatum?
23rd July, 1914
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When does Germany declare war on Russia?
1st August 1914
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When does Germany declare war or France?
3rd August 1914 as German troops enter Belgium.
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What happened on the 4th July 1914?
Britain declares war on Germany and Germany declare war on Belgium.
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Why did Britain join the war?
Treaty of London, or scrap of paper. They were also afraid Germany wold attack the north coast of France and war would get nearer to Britain- they wanted to prevent Germany becoming too strong in Europe.
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When was the Treaty of London?
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What did the Treaty of London do?
Guarantee Belgium's neautrality
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How did Schlieffen Plan lead to War?
Involved France in the war, Germany faces a war on 2 fronts, this then bought Britain in the war- with these countries huge empires it soon became a world war.
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How did the alliance system lead to war?
Caused tension as alliances were secret, and there were 2 opposing sides. Turned war into a world war. If Austria-Hungary didn't have Germany's support she wouldn't have declared war.
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How did the arms race lead to war?
Countries felt more confident about going to war and were keen to test their weapons and army. Caused tension with two armed camps in Europe all next to each other.
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How did the naval race lead to war?
Caused tension between Britain and Germany, involved the public who hated each other so countries more willing to go to war and encouraged Britain to sign other treaties and feel threatened by Germany and so enter the war.
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How did the first Moroccan Crisis lead to war?
Strengthened alliances, caused hatred of other side as their actions were a threat to power, caused Anglo-Russian Alliance which formed 2 sides in Europe and encircles Germany.
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How did the second Moroccan Crisis lead to war?
Increased tension between Britain and Germany invole naval race and dominate empire, France and Britain sign secret naval agreement, countries started preparing for war, Austria-Hungary Germany's only strong ally -blank cheque as Italy oppose action
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How does Bosnia lead to war?
Austria-Hungary were confident they had Germany's support leading to confidence in declaring war, Russia wouldn't back down again in supporting Serbia leading to world war, makes events of assassination lead to war.
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How did the assassination lead to war?
All countries get involved, angers Austria-Hunagry Russia becomes involved to support Serbia, Germany supports Austria Hungary with Schlieffen Plan which turns into world war.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who are the members of the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.
Card 3
What year was the Fraco-Prussian War?

Card 4
Who was the leader of Germany in the lead up to WW1?

Card 5
What did Germany take from France in the Franco-Prussian War?

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