Past tense Holiday verbs 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishHolidaysGCSEAQA Created by: SammySilverCreated on: 05-06-15 10:35 Visitamos We visited 1 of 37 Visté I visted 2 of 37 Fui I went 3 of 37 Fuimos We went 4 of 37 Es It is (description) 5 of 37 Son they are (description) 6 of 37 Está It is (location) 7 of 37 Están They are (location) 8 of 37 Viajé I travelled 9 of 37 Viajamos We travelled 10 of 37 Cogí el avion I took the plane 11 of 37 Cogimos el avion We took the plane 12 of 37 El viajé duró 10 horas The journey lasted for 10 hours 13 of 37 Durante el viaje domí/jugue con videojuegas During the journey I slept/ played videogames 14 of 37 Me alojé I stayed in 15 of 37 Nos alojamos We stayed in 16 of 37 Tenía It had 17 of 37 Era It was (description) 18 of 37 Estaba It was 19 of 37 Había There was/ there were 20 of 37 Jugamos We played 21 of 37 Jugué I played 22 of 37 Comí I ate 23 of 37 Comimos We ate 24 of 37 Salí I went shopping 25 of 37 Salimos We went shopping 26 of 37 Visté los monumentos históricos I visted historical monuments 27 of 37 Vistamos los monumentos históricos We visited historical monuments 28 of 37 Fui I went to 29 of 37 Fuimos We went to 30 of 37 Hice I did (activities) 31 of 37 Hicimos We did (activities) 32 of 37 Nadé en el mar I swam in the sea 33 of 37 Nadamos en el mar We swam in the sea 34 of 37 Probe la comida típica I tried the local food 35 of 37 Probamos la comida típica We tried the local food 36 of 37 Lo pasé I had a great 37 of 37
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