PE B451
- Created by: laurenhart99
- Created on: 21-01-16 15:17
What is competence?
Learning and applying a skill at the right time.
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Give an example of competence.
In basketball, knowing when to shoot.
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Give an example of performance.
I'm netball you will be able to run fast over a short period of time and change direction well.
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What is creativity?
Exploring and experimenting with techniques,tactics and ideas in order to do well.
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Give an example of creativity.
When rock climbing, trying different routes up the rock to see which works best.
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What is healthy, active lifestyle?
Understanding the purpose of physical activity in making us healthy.
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What is an example of healthy,active lifestyle?
Participating regularly for a football team so you are more likely to be healthy.
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Name the 6 fundamental motor skills.
Running, throwing, catching, jumping, hitting, kicking.
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How is running measured?
By timing over a set distance.
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How is throwing measured?
By the distance of the throw.
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How is jumping measured?
By the height or distance of the jump.
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How is hitting measured?
By the distance or technique of the hit.
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How is catching measured?
By the technique of the catch.
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How is kicking measured?
By the distance or the technique of the kick.
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In physical activities who can make decisions?
Performers, coaches/leaders and officials.
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Describe two examples of decisions that might be made by a performer.
1. To score as many goals as possible. 2. Follow instructions given by your class instructor.
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Describe two examples of decisions that might be made by a coach or leader.
1. To decide which players to pick for a football match. 2. To make a substitution for a fototball team.
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Describe two examples of decision that might be made by an official.
1. To enforce the laws of the game. 2. To postpone,stop or call off a match.
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Why is it important to abide by the rules?
1. Keeps individuals who participate safe. 2. Less likely to be an accident. 3. Allows the activity to be played fairly. 4. Makes the game much more enjoyable.
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Give examples of etiquette/sportsmanship.
1. Shake your opponents hand before and after. 2. If someone gets injured stop and see if they're okay. 3. Take care of the facilities and equipment. 4. Towel down equipment after using it. 5. Don't swear or be abusive. 6. Don't stretch the rules.
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What are the components of fitness?
Cardiovascular endurance/stamina, muscular endurance, speed, strength, flexibility.
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What is cardiovascular endurance?
The ability of our body to cope with exercise over a long period of time.
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What is muscular endurance?
The ability to keep going without a rest.
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What is speed?
The ability of the body to move quickly.
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What is strength?
The ability of a muscle to exert a force for a short period of time.
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What is flexibility?
The amount or range of movement that you can have around a joint.
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Why is a warm up important?
1. Enables the body to prepare for onset exercise. 2. Decrease the change of injury and muscle soreness. 3. Increases body temperature and you become more flexible. 4. Improves speed and strength of muscular contraction.
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What might a warm up involve?
Raising the pulse by jogging. Stretching main muscle groups for at least 20-30 seconds.
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Why is a cool down important?
1. It prevents blood pooling. 2. Prevents feeling fatigue. 3. Decreases body temperature. 4. Prevents blood pooling in the veins which can cause dizziness. 5. Helps the removal of lactic acid. 6. Decreases the risk of injury or pulling a muscle.
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Name some characteristics of a skilful movement.
Efficient, predetermined, aesthetic, coordinated, fluent, controlled.
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Describe efficiency with a practical example.
Using as little energy as possible, e.g. A basketball player will not make unnecessary movements when dribbling a ball.
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Describe predetermined with a practical example.
Knows what they are wanting to achieve. E.g. A darts player knows whereabouts they want to hit the board as they throw the dart.
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Describe coordinated with a practical example.
A tennis players movements in the serve are linked together well.
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Describe fluent with a practical example.
A gymnasts floor movements are flowing and coordinated.
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Describe aesthetic with a practical example.
Looks good when they are performing. E.g. An athlete performs the high jump with style that is successful and looks good. W
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Why is goal setting used?
To motivate people to exercise. Can increase confidence. Helps control anxiety.
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What is a performance goal?
Directly related to the performance or technique of the activity.
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What is an outcome goal?
It is about the end result- whether you win or lose.
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How can you asses the body's readiness for exercise?
BMI, blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol level, glucose level.
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Describe the BMI test.
A measure of the body's composition. You calculate it by dividing the persons weight by their height squared. The higher the BMI the more body fat present. However, muscular athletes, elderly people or pregnant people this does not apply to.
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Describe the blood pressure test.
Using a sphygmomanometer to measure the blood pressure. Normal blood pressure would be 120/180.
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Describe the resting heart rate test.
The norm is between 60-90 beats per minute.
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How can you test for cardiovascular endurance?
The multistage fitness test where cones are set out 30m apart and a recording is played and participants do shuttle runs between the cones until they get tired.
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How can you test for strength?
The hand grip test using a hand grip dynamometer. Squeeze the dynamometer as hard as you can.
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How can you test for flexibility?
The sit and reach test. Using a sit and reach box, place your feet flat against it and reach over as far as you can.
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How can you test for speed?
A 30m sprint is recorded and participants run as fast as they can.
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What health and safety checks should be done before a test?
1. Check the equipment is working. 2. Warming up. 3. Make sure there's adequate safety equipment such as first aid kits.
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What can effect the reliability of the tests?
1. The amount of sleep the participant had. 2. The participants emotional state. 3. Accuracy of measurements. 4. Temperature,noise,humidity. 5. The time of day. 6. Other people present. 7. The skill of the tester.
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Explain why carbohydrates are needed.
They produce energy. Simple sugars- quick energy release, sugar. Complex starches- slow energy release, pasta.
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Explain why fats are important.
Provide ener and insulate the body. 30% of calories consumed should be fats. Saturated- dairy. Unsaturated- oily fish, nuts.
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Why is protein needed?
They repair the body's tissue and also produce haemoglobin. Protein should be 15% of total calorie intake. Examples- meat, fish.
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Explain why vitamins are important.
They produce energy and help prevent diseases and infections. Can be found in fresh fruit and vegetables.
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Why are minerals needed?
Macro-minerals are needed in large amounts- calcium, potassium. Trace elements are needed in very small amounts- iron,zinc.
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Why is water important?
It carries nutrients in the body and helps with the removal of waste products. It is also very important at regulating the body's temperature.
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Why do we need fibre?
It is essentiinal to effective bowel function. They absorb water in the bowel and increases in bulk so makes the water softer and allows it to pass out of the body effectively. Should I take 18 grams a day. Examples- fruit, vegetables and cereal.
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What are the characteristics of a healthy diet?
1. Avoid too much fat. 2. Avoid too many sugary foods. 3. Limit alcohol intake.
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What are the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle?
1. Eating a healthy, balanced diet. 2. Regular exercise. 3. Maintaining a healthy body weight. 4. Not smoking. 5. Sensible alcohol consumption. 6. Maintaining low levels of personal stress.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Give an example of competence.
In basketball, knowing when to shoot.
Card 3
Give an example of performance.
Card 4
What is creativity?
Card 5
Give an example of creativity.
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