Services that are provided by national or local government, funded from taxation, provided and managed for the good of the local community
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What is the defintion of the private sector?
active leisure and recreation facilities and services provided by a commercial venture, where the prime objective is making a financial profit
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What is the defintion of the voluntary sector?
the provision of active leisure, recreation and sport opportunities by individuals without receiving payment. The provision is made by the members for the members.
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What is Best Value?
a system of national performance indicators that show the quality of active leisure and physical recreation provision provided by your local council
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What is Sport England?
government agency responsible for advising, investing in and promoting community sport
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What is Sporting Equity?
a policy designed to ensure that everybody, regardless of ethnicity, gender, disability, age or social background has an equal opportunity to participate in sport and to fulfil their potential
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What is Exchequer Funding?
funding that comes directly from central government, from national taxation
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What is Lottery Funding?
grants that come from the national lottery's good causes fund
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What is Public Good?
An action by national or local government that is deemed to meet the needs of the national or local community
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What is Educational Sector Provision?
facilities and opportunities that are provided via school facilities
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What is Dual Use?
a school sport and physical recreation facility that is used by the school during the day for curricular and extra-curricular use, and by the local community outside those times
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What is Joint Use?
an extension of dual use, where a sport and physical recreation facility is planned and built to be used by a school and the local community
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the defintion of the private sector?
active leisure and recreation facilities and services provided by a commercial venture, where the prime objective is making a financial profit
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