PE GCSE quiz A mix of topics that I find the hardest- bit of last minute revision! 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationGCSEAll boards Created by: carysCreated on: 22-05-12 17:30 Work out the MHR for a 16 year old. 204 BPM 1 of 5 Weight loss as a result of physical activity is achieved by... working harder than you normally do whilst using more calories than taken in 2 of 5 Vitamin E is needed for... growth and development 3 of 5 What is the diastolic blood pressure? the pressure of the blood when the heart is during the relaxation phase between heart beats 4 of 5 What is isotonic contraction? muscle contraction that results in limb movement 5 of 5
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