PE Quiz #1

What is the defenition of 'Scalar'?
A quantity that has a single dimension, magnitude.
1 of 9
What muscle fibre type is Type 2B?
Fast-twitch glycolytic
2 of 9
What does EPOC stand for?
Excess Post Oxygen Consumption
3 of 9
What is myosin?
Thick protein filament
4 of 9
What happens to lactic acid during recovery? One destination is converted into protein, what percentage is this of its total destination?
5 of 9
What is the 'Z line' in terms of the structure of muscles?
The darker region in the centre of the I band.
6 of 9
Whats is the range of percentage of slow-twitch muscles fibres in a marathon runner?
7 of 9
What is the 'All or nothing law'?
Muscle fibres either contract or do not contract; there is no such thing as a partial contraction.
8 of 9
What is the core temperature of the body that is attempted to be kept?
36-37 degrees C
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What muscle fibre type is Type 2B?


Fast-twitch glycolytic

Card 3


What does EPOC stand for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is myosin?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to lactic acid during recovery? One destination is converted into protein, what percentage is this of its total destination?


Preview of the front of card 5
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