pe revision
4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Leah Thompson
- Created on: 01-04-13 18:46
what is the recovery process (after vigorous exercise)?
P - perspiration- form of temperature control and also removes excess water such as sweat - E - excretion - removes excess water and the other waste product from the lactic acid - E - expiration of breath removes the carbon-dioxide from our lungs
1 of 36
what is the bloods function?
the blood carries the oxygen, water and nutrients throughout the body and transports and removes waste
2 of 36
what is an artery?
thick walls and carry the oxygenated blood at high pressure away from the heart through the aorta
3 of 36
what is a vein?
these carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart, thinner walls
4 of 36
what are capilaries?
microscopic vessells link the arteries to the veins and are thin to allow oxygen and carbon-dioxide to pass through there walls
5 of 36
what is the cardiovascular SYSTEM?
the system consisting of the heart and blood vessells that circulates blood and transports oxygen around the body
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what is cardiovascular ENDURANCE?
ability of the hearet and lungs to keep supplying oxygen in the blood stream in order to provide the energy to sustain physical movement
7 of 36
what is training zone?
the range of the heart rate within which a specific training effect will take place
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what is leisure time?
simply the time you can choose what you do
9 of 36
name three private leisure enterprises?
leisure centre, youth club and the cinema
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what is recreation?
relaxing and enjoying yourself but it is increasingly being used to mean doing something that is active and healthy
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what is intrinsic award?
sensed or felt by the performer while they are actually performing
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what is extrinsic award?
comes from sources other than the performers themselves such as sounds or things they can see
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what is a SPRAIN?
the overstretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint
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what is a STRAIN?
the overstretching of a muscle rather than a joint
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what is a trend?
the latest and most popular attraction or activity
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what is your basal metabolic rate?
the minimum rate of energy required to keep all of the life processes of the body maintained when it is at rest
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what is a calorie?
a unit that measures heat or energy, production in the body
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what is fitness?
is the ability to meet the demands of the enviroment
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what is exercise?
activity that requires physicical or mental exertion, especially when performed to develop or maintain fitness
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what is speed?
move all parts of the body as quickly as possible, it is a combination of reaction time and movement time
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what is power?
a combination of the maximum amount of speed with the maximum amnount of strength
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what is malnutrition?
this is a physical weakness resulting from insufficient food or an unbalanced diet
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what % of food types are we supposed to consume?
carbohydrates-55% fibre-5% vitamins-5% fats-25% protein-15% minerals-5%
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what is carbohydrate loading?
this involves plenty of starchy foods such as pasta. the starch increases the glycogen in the muscles which can delay tiredness and can improve performance
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what is a high protein diet? what type of person would benefit from it?
people use this if wanting to be a body builder. it helps them to build muscles and lose fat
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what is the link between health and fitness?
combining the two will allow to live in a healthy active lifestyle which will increase the quality of life you are able to enjoy
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what are the five types of training?
continuos training, interval training, fartlek training, circuit training and altitude training
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what is metabolism?
this is the whole range of biochemical processes that occur within us
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what is endamorph?
pearshaped, wide hips and shoulders, gain fat, e.g. rugby player or sumo wrestler
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what is mesomorph?
wedge shaped body with broad, wide shoulders, muscled arms and legs, e.g. body builder or swimmer
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what is ectomorph?
long, thin, narrow shoulder and hips, very little muscle and body fat, e.g. runner or jockey
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what is physique?
the form size and development of a person's body
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what is inclusion?
a policy that no-one should experience barriers to learning as a result of their disability, heritage, gender, special educational need, ethnicity, social group, sexual orientaion, race or culture
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what is altitude?
height of an area above sea level
35 of 36
what is humidity?
a mount of water vapour in the ar
36 of 36
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is the bloods function?
the blood carries the oxygen, water and nutrients throughout the body and transports and removes waste
Card 3
what is an artery?

Card 4
what is a vein?

Card 5
what are capilaries?

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