pe revision 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationGCSEAll boards Created by: Leah ThompsonCreated on: 01-04-13 19:11 what is preseason? time leading up to when the majority of the competition will take place 1 of 6 what is peak season? main competitive period, ongoing fitness sessions 2 of 6 what is post season (off season)? period of rest and recovery but still the need to keep up levels of general fitness 3 of 6 what is an internal injury? caused by the body and not by anybody else, e.g. shin splints, twisted ankle 4 of 6 what is an external injury? caused by the force of peoples actions and an injury outside your body, e.g. fractured skull or boken leg 5 of 6 what is rice? R - Rest. Stop activity to prevent further injury. 6 of 6
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