Jurors process complex and new information + make a lasting judgement. Primacy and Recency effects.
1 of 9
To examine whether story order is superior in gaining a conviction and the extent to which story order affects confidence in the verdicts.
2 of 9
130 students from Chicago and Northwestern universities. Paid and allocated to 1/4 conditions to controll for P+R effects.
3 of 9
Lab experiment/ Mock trial.
4 of 9
Procedure (1)
Participants listened to a tape recording of a trial and then responded to written questions. They did this in isolated cubicles.
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Procedure (2)
They were told to reach a guilty or not guilty verdict and rate their confidence of their decision.
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Results (1)
Story order was sig. more effective in influencing verdict than witness order. Greatest confidence in verdict by story order.
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Results (2)
Story order persuaded more jurors of defendent's guilt in prosecution case.
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Order of testimony influences the verdict reached by the jury. Story order has a more persuasive effect as it may make evidence easier for jury to process and assimilate.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
To examine whether story order is superior in gaining a conviction and the extent to which story order affects confidence in the verdicts.
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