people in business 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesPeople in businessGCSEAQA Created by: Aiden.ssssCreated on: 15-03-17 12:28 definition of recruiment attracting people to apply for a job vacancy 1 of 10 definition of part-time workers working for a proportion of the full working week 2 of 10 definition of full-time workers working for the normal full working week 3 of 10 definition of internal recruitment appoitning an existing employee of the business to fill a vacancy 4 of 10 definition of external recruitment appointing an employee of another business to fill a vacancy 5 of 10 definition of wage when an employee is paid a fixed amount for each hour or day they work 6 of 10 definition of salary when a worker is paid a fixed amount per month or year, no matter what hours they work 7 of 10 definition of pension payments made to retired wokers. in addition to the state pension, businesses are expected to offer their own pension schemes. 8 of 10 definition of fringe benefits rewards to employees that do not invlove the direct payment of money 9 of 10 deifintion of commision when the employee gets a percentage of the amount they sell 10 of 10
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