Perception - Key Terms 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyPerceptionGCSEOCR Created by: AnomymousCreated on: 27-04-16 10:59 SENSATION The physical process of collecting data from the environment via the senses. 1 of 11 PERCEPTION The cognitive process of interpreting data once it has been sensed. 2 of 11 ILLUSION The effect of misinterpreting data. 3 of 11 SHAPE CONSTANCY The ability to perceive the shape of an object as constant even if it appears to change through movement. 4 of 11 COLOUR CONSTANCY The ability to perceive the colour of an object as constant even if it appears to change with changes in lighting. 5 of 11 DEPTH PERCEPTION The ability of our eyes and brain to add a third dimension to every thing we see. 6 of 11 CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY The theory that perception is constructed using past experiences. 7 of 11 TOP-DOWN PROCESSING When perception is dominated by what we expect to see. 8 of 11 PERCEPTUAL SET A tendency to perceive something in line with what you expect based on past experiences. 9 of 11 NATIVIST THEORY The theory that perception is a natural and instinctive process. 10 of 11 BOTTOM-UP PROCESSING When perception is dominated by what enters through the eyes. 11 of 11
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