Perception! A quick quiz on overall perception 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyPerceptionGCSEAll boards Created by: elizbaCreated on: 28-01-13 22:44 What is schemas? A mental structure which groups information 1 of 7 What are monocular depth cues? Depth cues that require 1 eye to be seen 2 of 7 What was the aim of Carmichael et al? Whether words with pictures affects our recognition of the picture 3 of 7 What is sensation? Physical process of retriving info from the enviorment via senses 4 of 7 What is the optic chiasma? cross shape where information from left and right side of the brain cross over to pass into the visual cortex 5 of 7 Our blind spots are... Area of the retina where the optic nerves leaves.It has no rods/cones so does not detect light. 6 of 7 Which cas studies serial reproduction? Bartlett 7 of 7
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