Perception Key Words 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyPerceptionGCSEOCR Created by: issyriccaCreated on: 22-03-15 18:29 Sensation The physical process of collecting data from the environment via the senses 1 of 11 Perception The cognitive process of interpreting data once it's been sensed 2 of 11 Illusion The effect of misinterpreting data 3 of 11 Shape constancy The ability to perceive the shape of an object as constant even if it appears to change through movement 4 of 11 Colour constancy The ability to perceive the colour of an object as constant even if it appears to change with changes in lighting 5 of 11 Depth Perception Refers to the ability of our eyes and brain to add a third dimension to everything we see 6 of 11 Constructivist Theory The theory that perception is constructed using past experiences 7 of 11 Top Down Processing When perception is dominated by what we expect to see 8 of 11 Perceptual Set A tendency to perceive something in line with what we expect to see based on past experiences 9 of 11 Nativist Theory The theory that perception is a natural and instinctive process 10 of 11 Bottom Up Processing When perception is dominated by what enters through the eyes 11 of 11
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