Performance directions 0.0 / 5 ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelOCR Created by: KGR01Created on: 05-02-18 20:32 attacca go straight on to the next section of music 1 of 47 dolente sad, mournful 2 of 47 dolore grief (doloroso: sorrowful) 3 of 47 doppio movimento twice as fast 4 of 47 estinto as soft as possible, lifeless 5 of 47 incalzando getting quicker 6 of 47 lacrimoso sad 7 of 47 loco at the normal pitch (used to cancel an 8va direction) 8 of 47 lunga long (lunga pasua: long pause) 9 of 47 lusingando coaxing, in a sweet and persuasive style 10 of 47 misura measure (alla misura: in strict time; senza misura: in free time) 11 of 47 ossia or, alternatively 12 of 47 piacevole pleasant 13 of 47 piangevole plaintive, in the style of a lament 14 of 47 pochettino, poch. rather little 15 of 47 rinforzando, rf, rfz reinforcing 16 of 47 segue go straight on 17 of 47 smorzando, smorz. dying away in tone and speed 18 of 47 teneramente, tenerezza tenderly, tenderness 19 of 47 tosto swift, rapid (but often used in the same sense as troppo) 20 of 47 volante flying, fast 21 of 47 aber but 22 of 47 Ausdruck expression 23 of 47 bewegt with movement, agitated 24 of 47 breit broad, expansive 25 of 47 ein a, one 26 of 47 einfach simple 27 of 47 etwas somewhat, rather 28 of 47 fröhlich cheerful, joyful 29 of 47 immer always 30 of 47 langsam slow 31 of 47 lebhaft lively 32 of 47 mässig at a moderate speed 33 of 47 mit with 34 of 47 nicht not 35 of 47 ohne without 36 of 47 ruhig peaceful 37 of 47 schnell fast 38 of 47 sehr very 39 of 47 sü** sweet 40 of 47 traurig sad 41 of 47 und and 42 of 47 voll full 43 of 47 wenig little 44 of 47 wieder again 45 of 47 zart tender, delicate 46 of 47 zu to, too 47 of 47
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