Personality and Appearance 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyGCSENone Created by: emmysheppCreated on: 20-10-15 11:12 Translate this sentence: Je suis bavard et intelligent mais quelquefois paresseux. I am chatty and intelligent but sometimes lazy. 1 of 6 Translate this sentence: Je suis bizzare et emotionnel. I am weird and emotional. 2 of 6 Translate this sentence: Il a plein de vie et farfelu. He is full of life and exentric. 3 of 6 Translate this sentence: Elle a marrante et maladroite. She is funny and clumsy. 4 of 6 Translate this sentence: Maisy a bavarde mais quelquefois maladroite. Maisy is chatty but sometimes clumsy. 5 of 6 Translate this sentence: Freya a marrante et travailleuse. Freya is funny and hard working. 6 of 6
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