people seek out careers/ employment compatible to P (Capsi & Bem, 1990; Roberts, 2007)
1 of 13
3 key theories?
1. Holland 1973 RIASEC model, 2. Prediger 1976 Three-factor model, 3. Gottredson 2005 Circumscription and Compromise theory
2 of 13
Individual psychological assessment - IPAs are used to
form an assessment of an individual
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it is also used to assess
a person's suitability to a job role - to make a final recruitment decision
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what is the point in personal development?
profile of strengths and development needs, it is also important for longevity and commitment of workers because they are more secure and happy in the role
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Who uses IPA's?
organisations with money, IPA's are costly
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what do they require?
trained assessors/ psychologists
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who are they largely for?
middle/ senior level staff or for executive positions
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why are they valuable?
predictability can be claimed
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why are they good?
we can see whether someone is going to stick around for the job
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why is occupational choice of interest to psychologists? 3 reasons... 1?
1. work constitutes one of the most important activities in our lives
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once career path chosen most ppl remain working within that particular area/ field
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Knowing what factors influence occupational choice and job satisfaction can assist education and employers can provide career advice/ development - want to make sure we are giving good advice, so assessment techniques need to be sound
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
3 key theories?
1. Holland 1973 RIASEC model, 2. Prediger 1976 Three-factor model, 3. Gottredson 2005 Circumscription and Compromise theory
Card 3
Individual psychological assessment - IPAs are used to
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