Philosophy - Ethics - Situation Ethics 0.0 / 5 ? PhilosophyPhilosophy and EthicsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: IzzyCobbCreated on: 23-01-22 16:37 Situation Ethics A method of ethical decision making which states that one must do what ever is the 'most loving' 1 of 15 Agape Gods Unconditional Love. and is shown in the bible 2 of 15 Telological (telos) foucuses on the telos or end consequence of an action to determine morality 3 of 15 6 Fundermental Principle 6 things that help to guide christains to understand what the most loving thing to do is in any situation 4 of 15 4 Working Principles Built in strenghts of the theory that help people to understand the most loving action 5 of 15 Personalism When making a decision you must put the person first 6 of 15 Relitivism A decision has to be relative to a situation to reach a consequence 7 of 15 Pragmatism To propose a practicle desicion that will lead to a consequence 8 of 15 Positivism Accepting love is the most important cause in a decision. must tick off all the 6 principles 9 of 15 Antinomianisim Having no fixed moral rules to follow 10 of 15 Legalism Having fixed moral rules 11 of 15 Teleology Focuses on the end consequence of an action 12 of 15 Deontological Focus on te duty behind an action 13 of 15 Relativistic No universal norms or rules and that each situation is looked at independantly 14 of 15 Consequentalist Moral judgement is based on the acheievd outcome of an act 15 of 15
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