
  • Created by: jenni2906
  • Created on: 06-06-15 10:58
What is the teleological argument?
The world is too detailed, complex and ordered to be the result of an explosion. Eg, time, solar systems, gravity, seasons.
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What supports the argument of personal experience?
Kris Akabusi, reading in the Bible in hotel room in 1986, Jesus came to him in a dream, after dream felt peaceful, happy and forgiven after having still born daughters.
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What is the arguement of family upbringing?
Brought up in a Christian family, influenced by family.
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How many miracles were there in the new testament performed by Jesus excluding his resurrection?
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Name three miracles Jesus performed?
Mark 5:21-43: healing sick woman and raising dead girl. John 2:1-12: turning water into wine. Mark 9:14-29: exorcising a boy possessed by a demon.
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What happened at Lourdes?
Bernadette Soubirous - 18 separate visions of immaculate conception. 67 miracles at Lourdes since.
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Where is Lourdes?
Southern France - place of pilgrimage for Roman Catholics.
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What did David Hume say about miracles?
Experience of the world - in everyday life, people don't rise from the dead - miracles are luck and coincidence.
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What did Maurice Wiles say about miracles?
If God is an omnibenevolent God, why did he grant the miracles in the Bible, why does he not intervene now with things such as Auszwitch?
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What are the natures of God the Father?
Provider of life - Genesis Creation story. Looks after creation - sunlight and rain. Wants relationship with humans - gave them a soul.
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What are the natures of God the Son?
Incarnate - "made flesh" - God in human form. Fully God - fully human.
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What are the natures of God the Holy Spirit?
Guides them to make the right decisions, gives them courage at difficult times, strengthens their faith.
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What supports God being an omnipresent God?
Jonah 1:1-13 - messenger of God, must tell Nineveh to change their sinful ways, Jonah thinks people of Nineveh will kill him, Jonah gets swallowed by a whale and realises God is everywhere.
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What supports God being an omniscient God?
Acts 15:8 "God who knows the thoughts of everyone" - all-knowing.
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What supports God being a creator?
Genesis 1:1 - "God created the shy and the earth" created the universe and everything in it.
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What supports God being a forgiving God?
Luke 23:34 "Father, forgive them" -Jesus wants people to forgive people of their sin.
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What is the definition of a miracle?
An extraordinary, unusual and mysterious event that breaks the laws of nature.
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What are the arguements for animal testing?
Animal testing prevents unnecessary suffering for humans and animal testing for medical research contains research that can prevent further animal testing.
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What are the arguements against animal testing?
Tens of millions of animals are used each year and many die, animal testing is not nescessary, scientific data should be able to predict outcomes.
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What do Roman Catholics believe about animal testing?
Permitted as long as it is beneficial to humans.
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What do Quakers believe about stewardship?
Air, sea, forests, animals are intimately connected the way we treat them reflects on us and God.
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What is Christian Stewardship?
Humans have rights, responsibilities, duty of care and the need to look after and protect God's creation.
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What is cosmology?
academic study of the origins and development of the universe.
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What is a quote to suggest humans have dominion over animals?
Genesis 1:28 "rule over". Genesis 2:18-20 "name them"
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What is a quote to suggest that although humans are more important than animals, animals should also be cared for?
Matthew 10:29-31 - "even a sparrow does not die unnoticed"
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What quote suggests humans have a unique relationship with God?
Genesis 1:26 "in our image". Genesis 2:7 "breath of life"
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Why do Christians not believe in evolution?
If God made the world, why didn't he make it perfect? Bible is the word of God - created universe and everything in it in Genesis.
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What is the Big Bang?
Universe formed from a big bang, 12-15 billion years ago, earth formed, plants, continents.
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What do Christians believe about whether people go to heaven or hell?
God expects high standards so judge people based on their actions on earth.
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What did Jesus' resurrection suggest?
Having sin in life doesn't mean they will go to hell, death of Jesus gave people opportunity to be forgiven.
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What quote suggests that repenting for your sins will allow you to be forgiven?
John 13:1-7 - Jesus washes disciples feet and encourages them to follow his example so they will be rewarded in the next life.
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What do Christians believe about heaven?
Revelation 21:4 - "no more death, sadness, crying or pain" - free of pain and suffering.
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What do Christians believe about hell?
Matthew 13:42 "people will cry and grind their teeth with pain"
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What do Roman Catholics believe about purgatory?
Cleanse soul - free of sin and pure. Medieval times - sell relics to raise money for church - more money spent less time in purgatory.
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What is the story of Jesus' resurrection?
Easter story - crucified on Good Friday, resurrected on Easter Sunday, death is not the end.
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Why do some Christians believe in the afterlife?
Encourage children to believe in afterlife, comfort through difficult times.
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Why do some people reject the thought of an afterlife?
Some people believe it is false hope that they will be reunited with their loved ones, some people believe there is no evidence.
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What does the Bible suggest about the body and the soul?
Deuteronomy 6:5 - love the Lord with "heart" and "all your soul" - body and soul should be used to worship God. Human life is sacred because humans have a soul - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - "God's temple" "God's spirit lives in you".
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What does the Bible suggest about conflict through the body and soul?
Romans 7:21-22 "when i want to do good, evil is there with me" - soul wants to please God, body desires food, drink, sex.
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What does the Bible say about judgement day?
Matthew 28 - sheep cared for poor, offered food, clothing and shelter. Goats - selfish and ignorant, ignored the needs of others.
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What do the Bible readings at a funeral symbolise?
Teaches the deceased will be reunited with God - hope they will be in a better places. Focuses on eternal life - John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life"
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What do the prayers at a funeral symbolise?
Prayers for bereaved, prayers for readiness to live in the light of eternity, thanks for the life of the deceased, hope God will support them.
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What does the Holy Communion at a funeral symbolise?
Death and resurrection of Christ, hope - reminds the bereaved of Christ's resurrection.
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What is sin?
When a religious law or moral principle has been broken or we have fallen short of God's expectations.
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What is redemption?
People can be freed from sin.
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What is salvation?
Being saved from sin through their faith in Jesus.
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What is atonement?
Belief that the death of Jesus brought about reconciliation between God and humanity.
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What is a funeral rite?
The established, ceremonious, usually religious acts that happens at funerals.
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What do Christians believe about morality?
Exodus 20 - truths about right or wrong. "Do not murder" "Do not worship any other Gods"
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What do Church teachings say about morality?
Church helps people understand right from wrong by different leaders eg the Pope.
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What does moral mean?
Acceptance and obedience towards universal principles.
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What does immoral mean?
The violation or rejection of universal principles.
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What does moral evil mean?
Suffering which has been inflicted on human beings by the actions of others.
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What does natural evil mean?
When natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis cause destruction and human suffering.
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What is the problem of evil?
St Augustine - why God doesn't intervene and prevent evil and human suffering.
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What is a conscience?
Tells people when something is right or wrong.
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What do Christians believe about suffering?
A test - sheep and goats, judged by actions and how they respond to people who are suffering. If you have never suffered, you never choose from right and wrong so suffering makes you programmed to behave in a certain way and unable to chose different
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What do Christians believe about suffering?
Teaches lessons provides opportunity to do good deeds, not be able to do good if faced with difficulties.
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What do Christians believe about the Bible?
Source of moral guidance, apply teachings to own life.
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What is the problem of evil?
Suggests God never frees people from suffering, if they are obedient to God, they go to heaven with no suffering - spend eternity with God.
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What is the cause of suffering?
The devil is cause of evil - prey's on people's weaknesses. The fall - world spoilt by human disobdeience and greed. Free will - chose to reject God - inflict pain on other humans abused free will.
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What does the Bible say about the devil?
Luke 4 - after baptism, Jesus in desert - 40 days and 4- nights fasting. Devil tempts Jesus to disobey God - with food, wealth and power. Jesus remains faithful.
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What is the problem of evil?
Not omnibenevolent, why does God allow people to suffer in the world? Holocaust.
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What is the problem of evil?
Not perfect, perfectly good without imperfections, why would God create a world where suffering and imperfections happen?
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What is the problem of evil?
Enhances relationship with God, people turn to God when they suffer.
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What is the fall?
Evil is the result of the "fall of Adam and Eve". God's perfect world was spoilt by their selfishness and greed.
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What is orginal sin?
Newly borns are not innocent and do not have a perfect relationship with God. Everyone needs the forgiveness of God.
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How do Christians believe the devil creates evil in the world?
Genesis 3 - devil = serpent. Convinces Adam and Eve to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge - God told them not to. Human temptation and disobedience to God.
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How does the devil create suffering?
Job 1-2. Job is obedient to God, devil thinks he is only obedient because God protects him. God lets devil make Job suffer. Boils on skin, loses children and wealth. Remains faithful to God.
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Card 2


What supports the argument of personal experience?


Kris Akabusi, reading in the Bible in hotel room in 1986, Jesus came to him in a dream, after dream felt peaceful, happy and forgiven after having still born daughters.

Card 3


What is the arguement of family upbringing?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many miracles were there in the new testament performed by Jesus excluding his resurrection?


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Card 5


Name three miracles Jesus performed?


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