The ability of the cardio-respiratory system to work efficiently, supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during sustained activity
1 of 6
Muscular Endurance
The ability of the muscular system to work efficiently. It's where a muscle can continue contracting over a period of time against a light to moderate fixed resistance load
2 of 6
Muscular Strength
The maximum force that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group
3 of 6
Having an adequate range of movement in all joints of the body
4 of 6
How fast you can do something Speed(m/s)= Distance(m)/Time(s)
5 of 6
Body Composition
The relative ratio of fat mass to fat free mass in the body
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The ability of the muscular system to work efficiently. It's where a muscle can continue contracting over a period of time against a light to moderate fixed resistance load
Muscular Endurance
Card 3
The maximum force that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group
Card 4
Having an adequate range of movement in all joints of the body
Card 5
How fast you can do something Speed(m/s)= Distance(m)/Time(s)
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