Infancy (0-2)
Early childhood (3-8)
Adolescence (9-18)
Early Adulthood (19-45)
MIddle Adulthood (46-65)
Late Adulthood (65+)
1 of 19
Define Growth
Growth refers to the increase in a measurable quantity e.g height , weight or head circumference
2 of 19
How do you measure the growth at different life stages?
You measure infants length laying down and you measure 2+ Standing up.
3 of 19
What is Development?
Development refers to acquiring/gaining skills and abilities
4 of 19
What type of ability are there?
Physical development
Intellectual development
Emotional development
Social Development
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What is physical development?
Growth and other
physical changes that
happen to the body.
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What is Intellectual development?
The development of
language, memory and
thinking skills
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What is Emotional development?
Learning to understand
feelings about ourselves
and others.
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What is Social development?
Involves forming
relationships and
learning to be
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What are the key principles of Growth?
-Growth is variable across different parts of the body
-Growth is not constant
-Growth rates vary between children of the same age & between sex
10 of 19
What are the key principles of Development?
-Development follows an orderly sequence
- Development is holistic
-Development happens from head to toe
11 of 19
What does fine motor skill mean?
Is the ability to coordinate the smaller muscles of the body such as muscles in hands , fingers and toes. e.g using scissors
12 of 19
What does Gross motor skill mean?
Is the ability to manoeuvre the larger muscles of the body such as muscles in the arms and legs e.g running
13 of 19
What are the three fine motor skills?
Gripping , Manipulation and Hand eye coordination.
14 of 19
Define Gripping
Having the strength in fingers and hands to hold an object firmly.
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Define Manipulation
Skilful movement of objects e.g twisting , turning and passing objects from one hand to the other using fingers and hands.
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Define Hand-eye coordination
Control of eye movement at the same time as finger and hand movement.
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What is Primary sexual characteristics?
It relates to the changes and development of reproductive organ that are present from birth e.g enlargement of penis and testicles /growth of vagina and uterus.
18 of 19
What is Secondary sexual characteristic ?
Are the outward signs of development from a child into an adult that are not necessary for reproduction.
19 of 19
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define Growth
Growth refers to the increase in a measurable quantity e.g height , weight or head circumference
Card 3
How do you measure the growth at different life stages?
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