Physics papers 0.0 / 5 ? Physicspaper 1ASEdexcel Created by: tomknuckeyCreated on: 05-05-16 20:50 At maximum height velocity is -9.8ms-1 1 of 6 Explain the shape of the graph for when pd is negative until about 1 current is zero then the rate of change of current increases current is zero for negative pd as resistance is infinite small positive pd before there is a current 2 of 6 circuit of resistance varies for pd explain what it looks like it's a generator with a variable resistor , ammeter then a parallel circuit with a voltmeter and a potential divider 3 of 6 Drag is proportional to velocity squared 4 of 6 will delete yes 5 of 6 Whats a ohmic conductor No significant change for resistance for different pd 6 of 6
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