Physics Unit 1 - Material properties 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsMaterialsASEdexcel Created by: anna_richardsCreated on: 29-02-16 19:32 What is the definition of density? The mass per unit volume 1 of 10 What term best describes a material which absorbs large amounts of energy up until fracture? Tough 2 of 10 What is the elastic limit? The point at which a material stops behaving elastically 3 of 10 Which term best describes a material which deforms elastically until fracture, and exhibits no plastic deformation? Brittle 4 of 10 What is the definition of ductile? A material which undergoes plastic deformation under tensile forces, it can be drawn into wires 5 of 10 If a material is elastic, will it return to its original dimension once the applied force is removed? Yes 6 of 10 If a material is plastic, will it return to its original dimension once the applied force is removed? No 7 of 10 What terms best describes a material which can be hammered into shape and undergoes plastic deformation under compressive forces? Malleable 8 of 10 What is the definition of stiffness? The force per unit extension 9 of 10 What is the ultimate tensile strength? The maximum stress and material can withstand 10 of 10
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