physics 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PhysicsGCSEAQA Created by: demiCreated on: 11-02-13 14:59 velocity speed with a direction 1 of 20 acceleration when speed is increased 2 of 20 speed how fast you are going with no regard to direction 3 of 20 acceleration formula acceleration = change in velocity / time taken for change 4 of 20 speed formula speed = distance / time 5 of 20 velocity formula velocity = displacement / time 6 of 20 force formula force = mass * acceleration 7 of 20 weight formula weight = mass * gravity 8 of 20 stopping distance amount of distance covered by a vehicle when it is attempting to come to a stop 9 of 20 thinking distance the distance it takes for your brain and body to react 10 of 20 braking distance the distance for the actual mechanics to stop the car 11 of 20 newton's first law an object at erst will remain rest untill affected by an unbalanced object 12 of 20 newton's second law acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass 13 of 20 newton's third law for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction 14 of 20 power formula power = energy / time taken 15 of 20 work done formula work done = force * distance moved 16 of 20 Gravitational Potential Energy formula gpe = mass *gpe * height 17 of 20 momentum formula momentum = mass * velocity 18 of 20 resistance formula resistance = potential difference / current 19 of 20 resistance steeper gradient = less resistance. 20 of 20
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