Whenever 2 objects interact the forces they exert on each other are equal and opposite
1 of 6
What is a resultant force?
A resultant force is the single force acting upon an object. All forces acting in the same direction are added up, forces acting in opposite directions are subtracted - this creates the single resultant force.
2 of 6
Explain briefly how resultant forces become balanced/unbalanced
When an objects resultant force is zero we say that the forces are balanced, when the resultant force is not zero we say that the forces are unbalanced.
3 of 6
When the resultant force is zero...
If the object is in motion it stays moving at the same speed in the same direction. If the object is not in motion it stays where it is.
4 of 6
If an object is acted on by 2 unequal forces in opposite directions the resultant force is...
Equal to the difference between the 2 forces and in the direction of the larger force
5 of 6
Describe the 3 types of forces that can be used when labelling an object
Driving force - the force making the object move, Drag Force - The force acting against an object (eg: air resistance), Braking force - eg: a driver applying the breaks
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a resultant force?
A resultant force is the single force acting upon an object. All forces acting in the same direction are added up, forces acting in opposite directions are subtracted - this creates the single resultant force.
Card 3
Explain briefly how resultant forces become balanced/unbalanced
Card 4
When the resultant force is zero...
Card 5
If an object is acted on by 2 unequal forces in opposite directions the resultant force is...
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