A physiological response which takes place over a few minutes is best described as
An acute response
1 of 28
A proximate explanation for the extreme susceptibility of woodlice to desiccation is
They lack a waxy cuticle
2 of 28
Proteins are often in limited supply to animals because...
Animals can only synthesise about half of the AA that they need - Synthesis of AA requires nitrogen from other AA - AA are not typically stored to any great extent - Animals can only use nitrogen in chemically combined forms
Animas eat repeatedly throughout their lives. This is because...
Energy cannot be created - All metabolic processes require energy - Energy transfers/transformations are inefficient
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What does the term 'compensation' mean in physiology?
It means the tendency for a physiological rate to return towards its original state despite a change in the environment
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Counter current flow in the fish gill...
Maximizes the difference in partial pressure between the oxygen of the inflowing water and the partial pressure of oxygen in the capillary
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Breathing in a frog is an example of...
Positive pressure breathing
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Which description best describes the
movement of air through the bird lung?
1. Air moves in to fill the posterior air sacs. 2. Air moves from the posterior air sacs to the lung. 3. Air moves from the lungs to the anterior air sacs. 4. Air is expelled from the anterior air sacs
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A 3 chamber heart with the ventricle partially separated by a septum would be found in the following...
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The role of the Purkinje fibres is to initiate
Ventricular systole
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The cardiac cycle consists of...
1. Atrial diastole and Ventricular diastole. 2 Atrial systole and Ventricular diastole. 3. Atrial diastole and Ventricular systole
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A barnacle is an example of...
Euryhaline osmoconformer
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Saltwater fish...
Gain water through food. Loos water through gills. Excrete relatively little urine
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The walls of the nephron are impermeable to water, salt is excreted from the nephron through a mixture of active and passive transport
Ascending limb loop of henle
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Water moves out of the tube via aquaporins under hormonal control. Some urea moves out of the tube via passive transport
Collecting duct
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Where does the dessert kangaroo rat get the majority of its water from?
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If you put all the cells of the immune system together to create one big organ, how big would that organ be?
As big as your head
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When comparing the innate and adaptive immune systems. The innate immune system is best described by the following sentence?
Reacts within hours, consists of physical, chemical and cellular barriers to infection
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In innate immunity cellular barriers to infection consist of
Neutrophils, Macrophages, Dendritic cells and natural killer cells
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In vertebrate white blood cells TLR5 detects what?
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Mature in the thymus, produce cytokines and search intracellular space for pathogens
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Are secreted into circulation by neurosecretory cells
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At the onset of depolarisation there is...
An opening of sodium channels
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At certain kinds of synapses, electrical current may flow directly form one neurone to another. This is across a...
Gap junction
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Sustained contraction of skeletal muscle can occur due to...
Summation of action potentials in muscle cells
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When data for WSCT are plotted against body mass across species, two patterns emerge. These are
Running is most costly then flying then swimming. There is a negative association between WSCT and body mass
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A muscle can relax when...
Transport proteins in the sarcoplasmic reticulum remove calcium ions from the cytosol AND Action potentials from motor neurones cease
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A proximate explanation for the extreme susceptibility of woodlice to desiccation is
They lack a waxy cuticle
Card 3
Proteins are often in limited supply to animals because...
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