Pitt to Peel dates 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain - 19th century onwardsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: 08katgroCreated on: 22-03-15 13:59 1783 Pitt becomes PM of a Tory party 1 of 44 1784 (March) March general election 2 of 44 1784 India Act 3 of 44 1786 Sinking funds, Consolidation , Eden Treaty 4 of 44 1787 Hovering Acts 5 of 44 1788 Ochakov 6 of 44 1788-1789 Regency Crisis 7 of 44 1788-1795 Warren Hasting Trial 8 of 44 1789 Nootka Sounds, French Revolution 9 of 44 1793 Napoleonic War starts 10 of 44 1794 Coalition of Conservative Whigs and Pitt's government, Habeas Corpus suspended 11 of 44 1795 Seditious Meeting Act 12 of 44 1797 Indirect tax increased 13 of 44 1798 Income tax introduced, Wolfe Tone uprising 14 of 44 1801 Pitt resigned 15 of 44 1812 Liverpool becomes PM of a Whig party 16 of 44 1812-1815 Luddites 17 of 44 1815 Corn Laws, Napoleonic War ends 18 of 44 1816 Game Laws, Spa Fields 19 of 44 1817 Blanketeers, Pentrich Uprising, Gagging Acts 20 of 44 1819 Peterloo, Six Acts, Factory Act 21 of 44 1820 Cato Street, Truck Acts 22 of 44 1821 Queen Caroline Affair 23 of 44 1822 Cabinet reshuffle 24 of 44 1823 Jails Act, Reciprocity of Duties Act 25 of 44 1824 Combination Laws repeal 26 of 44 1825 Ammending Act 27 of 44 1826 Bank Act 28 of 44 1828 Repeal of Test and Corporations Act 29 of 44 1829 Catholic Emancipation, Metropolitan Act 30 of 44 1830 Earl Grey becomes PM of a Whig Party, 31 of 44 1831 April General Election, 1st Reform Bill defeated on Commons, October Riots 32 of 44 1832 2nd Reform Bill defeated in Lords, May Day Crisis, 3rd Reform Act passed 33 of 44 1833 Factory Act, Abolition of Slavery 34 of 44 1834 Peel becomes PM of a Tory party, Tamworth Manifesto 35 of 44 1834-1835 100 day parliament 36 of 44 1839 Bedchamber crisis 37 of 44 1841 General elections-Peel becomes PM of a Conservative Party, Poor relief 38 of 44 1842 Mines Act, Free Trade Budgets Act, reintroduction of Income tax 39 of 44 1843 Coercion Act, Clontarf banned, Devon Commision 40 of 44 1844 Companies Act, Bank Charter Act, Factory Act, Charitable Bequest Act, Queen Colleges Act 41 of 44 1845 Budgets, Maynooth 42 of 44 1845-1849 Irish Potato famine 43 of 44 1846 Repeal if the Corn Laws, Irish Coercion defeated, Peel fell from power 44 of 44
History - Essay Plan: Fear of Radicalism was the most important reason for opposition to parliamentary reform in the period 1783-1830. How far do you agree? 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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