Plant diversity Intro 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyplantsUniversityNone Created by: ppogbaCreated on: 23-07-19 23:23 Define Biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety of life, in all its manifestations. It encompasses all forms, levels and combinations of natural variation. 1 of 15 A problem for plants moving to land is water balance. The plant is no longer bathed in water. How is this overcome? They utilise rhizoids/roots (collection), xylem (transport), cuticle and stomata (desiccation avoidance). 2 of 15 Plants no longer bathed in water containing dissolved nutrients and gases. How is this overcome? they collect them from soil and atmosphere using roots and stomata. 3 of 15 Plants are no longer supported in an aquatic medium. How is this overcome? they use lignified conducting tissues to provide support. 4 of 15 Plants no longer protected from UV by water absorption. How is this overcome? they use cuticle. 5 of 15 Plants can't release there gametes into aquatic medium in which it can move easily and UV is filtered. How is this overcome? they protect them by enclosure in a sporopollenin wall (spore wall) with dispersal by vectors like wind/animals. 6 of 15 Name the 2 main divisions (phyla) of land plants? Bryophytes (non-vascular plants) and Tracheophytes (vascular plants). 7 of 15 Name the kingdom in which all land plants are in? How many species? Embryophyta. ca. 300,000 8 of 15 How many species are found in division Bryophyta and Tracheophyta? ca. 20,000 and ca. 265,000 9 of 15 What class in division Bryophyta contains liverworts? How many species? Class Hepatics. 8000 species 10 of 15 What class in division Bryophyta contains mosses? How many species? Class Musci. 12,000 species 11 of 15 Class Anthocerotes in division Bryophyta contains what? How many species? Hornworts. 100 species. 12 of 15 Name 3 classes in division Tracheophyta. How many species in each? Class Pteridophytes (13,000), Class Gymnosperms (900), Class Angiosperms (ca.250,000). 13 of 15 Name 3 orders in Class Pteridophytes. Order Lycopsids, Order Sphenopsids, Order Ferns. 14 of 15 Name 4 orders in Class Gymnosperms. Order Cycads, Order Conifers, Order Ginkgos, Order Gnetales. 15 of 15
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