Which nutrients are the most limiting for aquatic plants?
Nitrogen and phosphorous, like land plants
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What is an oligotrophic lake?
A lake that contains low nutrients so low plant growth and limited productivity
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What is a eutrophic lake?
A lake that has high nutrient content so high plant growth and high productivity
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What are hypertrophic conditions?
Where the lakes are over enriched with nutrients so they have poor clarity and devastating algal blooms
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What is an issue with agal blooms?
They stop light and also excrete harmful products
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What can cause hypertrophic conditions?
Over use of fertilisers then being leaked into the water or pollution from factories
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Non-biological, lack of nutrients (especially N and p)
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Some biological activity, high species diversity- phytoplankton, fish etc
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An intermediate state
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Biologically very productive, low species diversity
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Biologically very productive, species absent except bacteria
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What are phytoplankton?
Photosynthetic microorganisms that inhabit the upper layer of oceans and fresh water, nutrients tend to be depleted around phytoplankton, some have flagella and others don't (they live in wind stirred water)
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A few species of phytoplankton can be aremixotrophic, what does this mean?
They get energy from combining both photosynthesis with ingestion of prey
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What is a light compensation point?
Where carbon fixation balances out the carbon lost vis respiration
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How does water affect CO2 absorption?
It slows it down as it moves slower in water than it does in air
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How are plants in still water adapted to increase CO2 absorption?
Small leaves, thin, finely dissected, stomas non-functional, chloroplasts in outer layer of cells
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In rivers with good CO2 mixing, what are the plant adaptations?
Thicker leaves, ribbon like structures, gas spaces (buoyancy reduces mechanical damage)
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What are amphibious plants?
Plants that adjust from dry-land to aquatic existence
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What are the properties of aerial leaves?
More stomata, thicker cuticle
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What are the properties of submerged leaves?
Concentrate CO2 in leaves for photosynthesis
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What does O2 supply to roots depend on?
Rate of use by biota (plant life) and the rate of diffusion from surface
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How can oxygen levels affect nutrient uptake?
Low levels of O2 can lower nutrient uptake as it is needed for energy (nutrient uptake is an energy consuming process)
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What is ethylene?
A plant stress hormone
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What is aerenchyma?
Tissue with air spaces within, which allows air to diffuse from shoot to root and into the root zone (so iron and manganese are detoxified by radial emission of O2 out of the roots)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which nutrients are the most limiting for aquatic plants?
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