Plate Tectonics & Associated Hazards 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyPlate tectonicsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: lauren.glendenningCreated on: 17-04-16 10:09 What is a hot spot? Point on the Earth's surface located above a plum of rising magma 1 of 6 What is a plate? The segments that the lithosphere is divided into. The plates float on underlying semi-molten mantel controlled by convection currents 2 of 6 What is plate tectonics? A theory that attempts to explain the formation and distribution of the Earth's structural features 3 of 6 What are seismic waves? Shock waves released by the rupture of rock strata at the focus of an earthquake. They travel through rocks and a measured on a seismic graph 4 of 6 What is a tsunami? Very large sea waves, generated by shallow focus underwater earthquake, volcanic eruption, debris slides or land slides under the sea 5 of 6 What is a volcano? An opening or vent through which magma, molten rock, ash or volatiles erupt on the Earth's surface 6 of 6
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