Plato 0.0 / 5 ? PhilosophyPlatoA2/A-levelOCR Created by: On_to_good_thingsCreated on: 18-05-17 08:47 The name for someone who believes in two separate worlds or who views the body and soul as being two separate things dualist 1 of 13 Plato's teacher Socrates 2 of 13 A term for Plato's way of thinking - knowlege or justification is independent of experience a priori 3 of 13 Plato believes all material things are mutable. What does this mean? always changing 4 of 13 Plato believed in a world of forms and a world of... appearances 5 of 13 Wrongdoing is the result of... ignorance 6 of 13 The highest form is the form of the... good 7 of 13 forms are not temporary but... eternal 8 of 13 What does episteme mean? knowledge 9 of 13 As well as the cave analogy Plato also used the....analogy divided line 10 of 13 Aristotle argued that something does not need to be perfect eternal 11 of 13 In contrast to Plato, Aristotle was an... empiricist 12 of 13 A criticism of Plato is that he was running from the difficulties of wanting to find certainty somewhere else. uncertain world 13 of 13
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