A set of rules and guidelines, setting out how the political system works and where the power is located within the system. It defines the powers and functions of the government and the right odinary citizens in relation to the government.
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What does Statue law mean? and examples.
law which is passed by parliment. Human rights act 1979
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What does Common law mean? and examples.
Law which is passed by judges, laws in which the law does not cover the issue or is unclear. e.g freedom of speech, appointing minsters. and declaring war.
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What does Conventions mean?
laws, that arent contained, but infulential in politcal operations.
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What does authoritative works mean? and examples
Works written by experts describing how the politcal system is run. It isnt legally binding but it is taken as significant. and example being Bagehot's the english constitution.
5 of 6
What does treaties mean? and give an example other than Germnay.
Treaties is a formal agreement made with other countries, usually ratified by the government. an example other than Germany is Maastricht 1992
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Card 2
What does Statue law mean? and examples.
law which is passed by parliment. Human rights act 1979
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