Active managers cant analyse thousands of securities: identify those most mis-priced (form portfolio A) then combine with passive portfolio (A) to reduce residual risk and form new portfolio (P)
1 of 10
Black-Treynor model: graph
2 of 10
Black-Treynor model: Step 1) Find optimal composition of A to max appraisal ratio
3 of 10
Black-Treynor model: Step 2) Find optimal proportion to invest in A (beta = 1) to max sharpe ratio
4 of 10
Black-Treynor model: Step 3) Find optimal proportion to invest in A (adjust for beta) to max. sharpe ratio
5 of 10
Black-Treynor model: Step 4) Combine (P) with rf to find optimal capital allocation
Depends on investors risk averse preferences
6 of 10
Measuring the performance of P (equation)
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Measuring the performance of P: Appraisal ratio
Measures performance of A that is contribution of securities appraisal to total performance (value-added/ direct measure of analytic skills)
8 of 10
Data used to generate BTM comes from specialised units
1) Macro forecasting (market data) 2) Quantitative teams (asset data) 3) Combining these to make return predictions + correlations for assets 4) Use this to make alpha predictions
9 of 10
BTM: takeaway questions
1) How much does it cost to construct (A) (fees) given its appraisal ratio (value-added) 2) How much do we trust our inputs? (accuracy of forecasts for alpha/ res risk)
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Black-Treynor model: graph
Card 3
Black-Treynor model: Step 1) Find optimal composition of A to max appraisal ratio
Card 4
Black-Treynor model: Step 2) Find optimal proportion to invest in A (beta = 1) to max sharpe ratio
Card 5
Black-Treynor model: Step 3) Find optimal proportion to invest in A (adjust for beta) to max. sharpe ratio
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