PM Peel

  • Created by: rosieatt
  • Created on: 06-05-23 18:24
When was Sir Robert Peel PM?
1834-5 (5 Months)
1841- 1846
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What party was Peel a part of?
Conservative Party
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What acts did Peel bring that improved working conditions?
The Mines Act of 1842 (no women and boys <10)
Factory Act of 1844 (Reduced Hours)
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What was Peel's role in Liverpool's government and what did he bring during this time?
His role was as the Home Secretary and he brought the Metropolitan Police Force
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What were the main events of Pitt during his time as PM?
-1834 Tamworth Manifesto
- 1839 Bedchamber crisis
-1842-45 Free trade
- Factory Act 1844
- Bank Charter Act 1844
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Why did Peel reign in 1846?
The Irish famine occurs and he attempts to repeal the Corn Laws to help.
He is unsuccessful so he Resigns
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When was the Anti Corn Law Leauge Formed and what did they do?
The ACLL was formed in 1838 by Richard Coben and John Bright.
It was a peaceful group that had the sole purpose of defeating the Corn Laws.
The church supported them.
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What party was Peel a part of?


Conservative Party

Card 3


What acts did Peel bring that improved working conditions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was Peel's role in Liverpool's government and what did he bring during this time?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the main events of Pitt during his time as PM?


Preview of the front of card 5
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