Poetry terminology 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? English Language & LiteraturePoetryA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Wanderess93Created on: 02-04-17 17:50 Alliteration The repetition of the same consonants at the start of words next to/close to each other 1 of 34 Anapaest A metrical foot consisting of three syllables: unstressed, unstressed, stressed. eg. di di dum 2 of 34 Anaphora Repetition of the same word(s) at the beginning of a line and the words/lines following 3 of 34 Apostrophe A sudden address directed to a person or idea eg. God, why? 4 of 34 Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds in neighbouring syllables 5 of 34 Cacophony Unpleasant sounding words/sounds 6 of 34 Dissonance The arrangement of cacophonous sounds in words/patterns 7 of 34 Caesura Punctuation in the middle of a line 8 of 34 End-stopped line When a line of poetry ends with punctuation that makes you pause 9 of 34 Enjambment When a phrase carries over into the next line without a pause 10 of 34 Euphony A pleasant-sounding combination of words, sounds melodious 11 of 34 Free verse Poetry that is free from limitations of regular meter/rhythm. No rules or fixed form. 12 of 34 Fricative sounds Repeated 'f', 'v' or 'th' sounds. Airy and free-flowing/aggression or anger 13 of 34 Liquid sound Repeated 'l' sound. Flowy, quick, light movement like water/thick, heavy 14 of 34 Lyric Type of poem. Gives the reader a glimpse inside the speaker's head. 15 of 34 Narrative poem Tells a story, including a plot eg. Ozymandias 16 of 34 Onomatopoeia Words/sounds that resemble the sounds they describe 17 of 34 Oxymoron A clash of opposites eg. bitter sweet 18 of 34 Personification Making a non-animate thing have human qualities 19 of 34 Plosive sounds Repetition of 'p', 'b', 't', 'd', 'k', 'g' sounds create an abrupt, sharp, violent, shocking effect 20 of 34 Quatrain A stanze of four lines, often rhyming abab 21 of 34 Feminine rhyme When two syllables rhyme 22 of 34 Half-rhyme When the final half of two words have the same sound eg. love/have 23 of 34 Eye rhyme When two words look the same but sound different eg. kind/wind 24 of 34 Rhyme scheme Regularly occurring patterns of rhyme within a poem/stanza 25 of 34 Rhythm The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse/prose 26 of 34 Sibilant sounds Repetition of 's', 'sh', 'z' sounds suggest disgust 27 of 34 Couplets A set of two lines of poetry 28 of 34 Tercets A set of three lines of poetry 29 of 34 Quatrains A set of four lines of poetry 30 of 34 Spondee Two stressed syllables one after the other to show passion, anger, stress, intensity 31 of 34 Synesthesia The combination of two senses in a line 32 of 34 Synecdoche The rhetorical figure where a part is substituted for a whole, or a whole is substituted for a part 33 of 34 Trochee A foot of two syllables 34 of 34
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