Poetry - Key Terms 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? English LiteratureAQA AnthologyGCSEAQA Created by: katiegdmn1214Created on: 01-05-14 16:55 A break in the rhythem of a line, often shown with punctuation marks. Caesura 1 of 9 A poem written in iambic pentameter that doesn't rhyme. Blank Verse 2 of 9 Where a word or phase has two or more possible meanings. Ambiguity 3 of 9 Poetry that doesn't rhyme and has no regular rhythm. Free Verse 4 of 9 A phrase which seems to contradict itself because the words have different meanings. Oxymoron 5 of 9 A four line stanza that usually rhymes. Quatrain 6 of 9 When an object stands for something else. Symbolism 7 of 9 Poetry with a metre of 10 syllables - five of them unstressed and 5 stressed. Iambic Pentameter 8 of 9 The arrangement of syllables to create rhythm in a line of poetry. Metre 9 of 9
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