Conrad Blck refers to Trump's stretching of the truth as...
truthful hyperbole
1 of 31
In contrast to Trump's cabinet, which he praises, Black adopts what phrase to describe his White House staff?
Floating **** game
2 of 31
Whome did Donald Trump dramatically fire early in his presidency?
The director of the FBI
3 of 31
According to Black, the discovery of WHAT has undercut the Muller investigation?
The Steele Dossier, shown to have been fraudulent and instigated by the Clinton campaign
4 of 31
In the end, BLack characterizes Trump's political program (policy) as...
essentially conventional, moderate, conservative wisdom from policy think tanks
5 of 31
For the Americans designing the Constitution, the model executive most in their mind for better or worse, was...
the British monarch
6 of 31
The Virginia Plan, introduced at the outset of the Convention, treated the executive....
vaguely, not specifying the number nor enumerating its powers
7 of 31
When during the Convention did the presidency recieve its name...
in the Brearly Committee on postponed matters, towards the end of the summer
8 of 31
The Vice president's one constitutional duty is...
to serve as president of the Senate
9 of 31
According to Prof. stoner's lecture, the Electoal College insures...
that the rpesident is elected by the same sovereign who can ammend the Constitution: the perople in the states
10 of 31
According to Stoner, the formal powers of the presidency insure...
that a president must take the inititative to translate his formal authority into real political power
11 of 31
if Washington was elected president Feburary 4 1789, why was the inaguration April 30?
Washington would not come to New York until he was notified of the offcial count, itself delayed because Congress did not assemble as planned on March 4
12 of 31
What were the first three government departments the new Congress established?
State, tresury, and war
13 of 31
How did Washington respond to the Whisky Rebellion?
He called up the state militia and rode into the field with them
14 of 31
the alien and Sedition Acts of 1798...
were criticised by the Democrat-Republicans, who won the election of 1800
15 of 31
Milkis & Nelson define Jefferson's approach to the presidency as...
party leadership, in Congress and in relation to the people
16 of 31
Jefferson's "war with the judiciary" included which success?
Repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801
17 of 31
Who wrote "A Strict observance of the written ;aws is doubtless one of the highest duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation..."?
Thomas Jefferson
18 of 31
Who do Milkis and Nelson say was arguably the most powerful man in Washington" from 1811-1825?
Henry Clay
19 of 31
Madison defends recognising the sole removal power in the president on grounds that...
The president has responsibility to see that the laws are faithfully executed
20 of 31
Pacificus and Helvidius differ over ...
whether the proclamation of neutrality requires a legislative act
21 of 31
Key to the Monroe Doctrine is the principle that...
the American continents are henceforth not to be colonised by European powers
22 of 31
According to Milkis and Nelson, Andrew Jackson saw the president as...
the tribune of the people
23 of 31
Jackson's confidential political advisors were known as the...
Kitchen cabinet
24 of 31
What was distinctive about James Polk's presidency?
He personally oversaw the federal budget and was an aggressive commander-in-chief
25 of 31
Henry Clay objected to Jackson's veto message in part because...
Jackson implied that the president ought to take the initiative in law-making
26 of 31
Lincoln defended the Emancipation Proclamation as
wartime necessity, to weaken the Southern labour force and recruit black soldiers
27 of 31
In which speech does Lincoln counsel acting "with malice toward non, with charity for all"?
The Second Inagural Address
28 of 31
By the late 1860s, policy for reconstructing the rebellious states
was being made by Congress, who overrode presidential vetoes of their acts
29 of 31
Milkis and Nelson write that Grant lost power in relation to Congress by
not insisting on repeal of the Tenure of Office Act
30 of 31
in EX PARTE MILLIGAN, the Supreme Court holds that martial law
cannot be used to try a civilian when the ordinary court of law are open
31 of 31

Other cards in this set

Card 2


In contrast to Trump's cabinet, which he praises, Black adopts what phrase to describe his White House staff?


Floating **** game

Card 3


Whome did Donald Trump dramatically fire early in his presidency?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


According to Black, the discovery of WHAT has undercut the Muller investigation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In the end, BLack characterizes Trump's political program (policy) as...


Preview of the front of card 5
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