Because the Tsars thought that non-russians were less loyal compare to russians
1 of 6
In 1881 what happened that was important in relation to the policy of Russification?
In 1881 the Russian language was enforced in the government and all other services e.g. judicial system, schools
2 of 6
What were the implications of the Russian language being enforced everywhere?
In 1907a cholera outbreak in Kiev meant that many Ukrainians died as they couldn't read the Russian signs
3 of 6
What effect did Nicholas II's Imperial Manifesto have upon Finland?
He could impose new legilsation, ignore their Diet, conscript Finns, and he imposed a governor general with the power to dismiss Finn judges and police officials
4 of 6
How was Russification imposed upon Turkistan?
Funding for muslim schools ended, Russian language was enforced anda governor general was imposed to supervise the military and civil government
5 of 6
Why didn't Turkistan have conscription imposed?
Turkistan wasn't loyal enough
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
In 1881 what happened that was important in relation to the policy of Russification?
In 1881 the Russian language was enforced in the government and all other services e.g. judicial system, schools
Card 3
What were the implications of the Russian language being enforced everywhere?
Card 4
What effect did Nicholas II's Imperial Manifesto have upon Finland?
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