We are born with several natural rights - life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.
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Name two classical liberal theorists
Locke, Jefferson or Wollstonecraft
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Why do classical liberals want a small state?
They see it as a necessary evil it has to be there to ensure our liberty is not inflicted upon.
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List all the roles of a classical liberal state
Act as a nightwatchmen. Protect individuals from harm. Act as an objective arbiter. Defend from foreign aggression. Maintain public works.
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What did Adam Smith theorize?
He believed that the economy works best free from constraint. Ideology of laissezz faire economics. Buyers, sellers, employers and employees act as economic agents and help the market flourish.
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What is Social Darwinism?
The laws of nature apply socially, those who don't work don't prosper and therefore will end up 'dying out' through natural selection.
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Which theorist is attached to later classical liberalism?
J.S. Mill
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What did Mill theorize?
Still believed in negative liberty. Harm principle - liberty shouldn't be constrained unless it's affect someone else. Defined liberty as fulfillment, not seeking pleasure.
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What is negative liberty?
Everyone should be free from external restraint and the state should have little to no interference with society.
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What is positive liberty?
An extended role of the state that intervenes in human affairs to grant more rights. Meant to enhance liberty through safeguarding against social evils.
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Which two theorists are associated with modern liberalism?
Rawls and Green
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What key term describes a modern liberal state?
An enabling state.
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What is social liberalism?
The idea that a state should intervene with economics and try and expand civil rights.
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Which economic theorist is closely associated with modern liberalism and the intervention of the state in the economy?
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Explain Keynesianism
The idea that the state should intervene in economics to avoid economic disasters such as the Wall Street Crash. There to also provide welfare.
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Which key thinker added feminism to classical liberalism?
Mary Wollstonecraft
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Which key thinker added feminism to modern liberalism?
Betty Friedan
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Who are the two theorists associated with neo-liberalism?
Smith and Hayek
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What do liberals say about human nature?
We are individuals who are rational, autonomous and self-interested.
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What is the difference between egotistical and developmental individualism?
Egotistical believe that humans knows whats best for them and will ultimately try and achieve that. Developmental suggests we're capable of altruism and will live amongst each other harmoniously.
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What type of liberalism believes in egotistical individualism?
Classical Liberalism
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What type of liberalism believes in developmental individualism?
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