set of principles that can unwritten or written. they establish rights of citizens
1 of 6
4 principles of a constitution
1) Rights of Citizens 2) amending constitution 3)distribution of power in political system 4) Relationship between jurasdiction and political institutions
2 of 6
Codified constitution
1) written in single document 2)can be related to 3) Less opportunity for elective dictatorship 4) common in most countries
3 of 6
Uncodified constitution
1) Written down in multiple documents 2) no distinction between constitutional and other laws 3)Executive in UK can change constitution by changing or introducing act of parliament
4 of 6
Reasons for codified
1) Reduce elective dictatorship 2) UK like other european models 3) 1997 ministerial code on what ministers can and can't do
5 of 6
Reasons for uncodifed
1) Flexibility 2) system works well in UK 3) Unique 4) allows strong decisive action e.g. introduction of NHS
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
1) Rights of Citizens 2) amending constitution 3)distribution of power in political system 4) Relationship between jurasdiction and political institutions
4 principles of a constitution
Card 3
1) written in single document 2)can be related to 3) Less opportunity for elective dictatorship 4) common in most countries
Card 4
1) Written down in multiple documents 2) no distinction between constitutional and other laws 3)Executive in UK can change constitution by changing or introducing act of parliament
Card 5
1) Reduce elective dictatorship 2) UK like other european models 3) 1997 ministerial code on what ministers can and can't do
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