Pompeii 0.0 / 5 ? Classical CivilizationPompeiiGCSEEdexcel Created by: pdg16Created on: 10-04-17 09:34 Who was Pliny the younger? Witnessed the eruption of Vesuvius and wrote an account of the eruption 1 of 5 Who was Giuseppe Fiorelli? Italian archaeologist his excavations at Pompeii helped preserve the city 2 of 5 What was a Pompeiian Domus? A private townhouse lived in by middle class or rich Romans 3 of 5 What was the house of the Vetti? One of the most luxurious houses (Domus) in Pompeii 4 of 5 What were the Inns and Thermopolia? Small rooms at the front of houses which were usually loathed along the main streets of Pompeii 5 of 5
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