Pompeii quiz 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Classical CivilizationPompeiiGCSEOCR Created by: Sophia Jasmine HussainCreated on: 04-04-16 17:06 Who recorded the eruption of Mount Vesuvius? Pliny the Younger 1 of 15 Who was Pliny the Younger staying with? Pliny the Older 2 of 15 Who appeared on the excavation scene in the 19th century and brought a more scientific approach o the excavation of Pompeii Giuseppe Fiorelli 3 of 15 What is the name of the main entrance room to the house? The atrium 4 of 15 What is the name of the water storage system in the Atrium? The impluvium 5 of 15 What is the name of the main study? The tablinum 6 of 15 What is the name of the colonnaded garden? The peristylium 7 of 15 What is the name of the household shrine? Lararium 8 of 15 What is the nam of the entrance corridor Fauces 9 of 15 What is the name of the side room? Ala 10 of 15 What is the name of the kitchen? Culina 11 of 15 What is the name of the dining room? Triclinium 12 of 15 What is the name of the reception room? Oecus 13 of 15 What is the name of the bedroom? Cubiculum 14 of 15 Who were the freedmen who acquired great wealth? The Vetti brothers 15 of 15
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