Population- Glossary 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyPopulationGCSEAQA Created by: JordssCreated on: 27-04-14 21:50 Age structure Proportions each age group in a population 1 of 16 Birth rate Babies born per 1000 per year 2 of 16 Death rate Deaths per 1000 per year 3 of 16 Dependency ration Balance between people who are independent (work and pay tax) and people who are dependant on them 4 of 16 Emigrant Someone leaving their country to move to another country 5 of 16 European Union (EU) Group of countries across Europe work as though they are one country 6 of 16 Gender structure Balance between males and females in a population 7 of 16 Immigrant Entering a new country with intention of staying there 8 of 16 Infant mortality Number of babies that die under a year of age per 1000 live birtns 9 of 16 Life expectancy Number of years a person is expected to live 10 of 16 Migration Movement of people from one permanent home to another 11 of 16 Natural change Difference between birth and death rate, as a percentage 12 of 16 Push factors Negative aspects encouraging people to move 13 of 16 Pull factors Opportunities encouraging people to move 14 of 16 Segregation Where a per titular ethnic group chooses to live which others from the same ethnic group 15 of 16 Zero growth Where the population is in balance with no increase or decrease, the birth and death rate are equal 16 of 16
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