Attach to rocks or with root like structures in soft sediment (e.g. sand)
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What are sponges?
Loosely organised animals, no symmetry, muscles or nervous system
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What is a sponges body plan like?
A cluster of cells built around a water canal system, chimney like, jelly-like extracellular matrix with collagen and stiffened with silica or calcium carbonate
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How do sponges feed?
Water passes through Ostia (opening in body cavity) by beating flagella drawing water and also capturing food particles from water
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What type of cell is involved in feeding? (which cell has the flagellum and captures the food?)
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What can vary a sponges structural type?
The type of water current is in their environment
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How do sponges reproduce?
Sexually, hermaphrodites, not self fertile, sperm sent out the osculum, ciliated larvae settle & develop into juveniles, can also be asexual
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How do some sponges reproduce asexually?
By budding
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How many classes are in the sponge phylum and what are they?
3, demospongia (most belong to this), hexactinella ('glass sponges'), Calcarea
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What are ctenophores?
Phylum- Ctenophora, 'comb jellies'
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Whats the body plan of a ctenophore?
2 cell layers separated by a gelatinous mesogloea
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Where are ctenophores usually found?
Open sea
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What type of gut do ctenophores have?
A complete through-gut
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How do ctenophores move?
They use ctenes, which are cells with plates of cilia on
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What are cnidaria?
Phylum- all aquatic
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What is the body plan for cnidaria?
Diploblastic, 2 cell layers separated by mesogloea, mouth attached to blind gastrovascular cavity with 1 opening
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does sessile mean?
Attach to rocks or with root like structures in soft sediment (e.g. sand)
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