Porter's Generic Startegy 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesOperations managementA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Ella RRCreated on: 06-05-14 15:30 A strategy that allows a firm to be the lowest cost producer in the industry as a whole Cost leadership 1 of 10 The strategy that exploits a product/service which is believed to be unique Differentiation 2 of 10 A strategy that concentrates on a limited part of the market Focus 3 of 10 A risk of cost leadership is that it can make a business vulnerable 4 of 10 A problem of focus strategy is that is sacrifices... economies of scale 5 of 10 A section of differentiation market segmentation 6 of 10 A basic approach to strategic planning that can be adopted by any firm to improve its competitive performance Generic strategy 7 of 10 A benefit of focus strategy is that it involves .... in resources lower investment 8 of 10 A focus strategy cost focus 9 of 10 Differentiation is a .... marketing strategy niche 10 of 10
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