How have Christian responses to Suicide changed? (3 marks)
Agape (most loving thing to do)
3 of 15
Explain how Christians might respond to someone who wants to commit suicide? (6 marks)
Points you could make: Agape, Life is a special gift from God, Sancity of life, Going against God's plan / Quotes: "thou shall not kill" or "made in the image of God"
4 of 15
'God has a plan for everyone. We mustn't interfere with God's plan' (12 marks)
Points you could discuss: Agape, Passive euthanasia, Catholic views on hospice movement, life is a special gift / Quote: "thou shall not kill" or "love your neighbour" or "made in the image of God"
5 of 15
What is euthanasia? (1 mark)
'Gentle death'
6 of 15
Give two types of fertility treatment? (2 marks)
IVF, sperm donation
7 of 15
What is the sancity of life? (3 marks)
All life is holy and sacred
8 of 15
Explain Christian views on fertility treatment (6 marks)
Points you could make: God has different plans for the couple, embryos are destroyed in IVF which were God's creations, donations = third person in a relationship, wrong or unnatural / Quotes: "Hannah had no children because God closed her womb"
9 of 15
"Abortion is murder" (12 marks)
Points you could make: Life begins at conception, 'do not murder, 'created in the image of God', against God's plan, 'I knitted you in your mothers womb'
10 of 15
What is abortion? (1 mark)
Termination of a pregnancy
11 of 15
Give two reasons a Christian may object to abortion. (2 marks)
Life begins at conception and 'do not commit murder'
12 of 15
How would a Christian treat someone who is ill? (3 marks)
Hospice, agape, 'thou shalt kill', going against God's plan
13 of 15
Explain Christian views on cloning. (6 marks)
Reproductive has the potential to create superbeings, Everyone is ‘created in the image of God’ not in the image of man, Catholics disagree with the use of embryos, God is the giver of life, It goes against the Sanctity of Life
14 of 15
'Embryos have the same value as a human being' (12 marks)
Points that could be made: God has a plan, you are alive at conception, 'thou shall not kill', 'love you neighbour'
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Gives two types of euthanasia? (2 marks)
Passive & active
Card 3
How have Christian responses to Suicide changed? (3 marks)
Card 4
Explain how Christians might respond to someone who wants to commit suicide? (6 marks)
Card 5
'God has a plan for everyone. We mustn't interfere with God's plan' (12 marks)