Large uncompleted development project, Rising interest rates, deteriorating terms of trade, dependence on primary products (coffee)
1 of 6
What are the consequences of poverty in Uganda?
Austerity Measures, Expensive education, Sporadic healthcare = Low LE and high IMR
2 of 6
What are the solutions to poverty?
3 of 6
What are SAPs?
Paying back debt through austerity measures, aims to increase competitiveness, Neo liberal
4 of 6
What is a PRSP?
Poverty reduction straegic paper, indebted countries make one laying out the causes of their poverty and how they are going to solve them
5 of 6
What is HIPC?
It is a two step process that consists of the decision point and the completion point. Cuts debt to a sustainable level while helping with social development through PAF
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the consequences of poverty in Uganda?
Austerity Measures, Expensive education, Sporadic healthcare = Low LE and high IMR
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