Power Bases
4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Stav Drymoni
- Created on: 03-01-16 14:38
Definition: the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events
1 of 63
Definition: the rights, obligations and duties associated with a specific position
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What flow of power is this: influencing those above you in a business
3 of 63
What flow of power is this: influencing peers
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What flow of power is this: influencing those below you in the business
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what flow of power is this: influencing those outside of the business
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Who created the power bases?
French and Raven
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The original 5 power bases were reward, coercive, expert, referent and?
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What sixth power base was added to the original 5?
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This power base is based on an ability to reward someone
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This power base is based on an ability to punish someone
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Reward power was later split into...
Personal and impersonal
12 of 63
Coercive power was later split into...
Personal and impersonal
13 of 63
This power base is based on job title or position in the business
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Legitimate power was later split into how many forms of power?
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Position, reciprocity, equity and dependence power are all part of what power base?
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This power base is based on an individual's knowledge, skills and experience
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Expert power was later split into ..?
Positive and Negative
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This power base is based on the influencee liking the influencer
19 of 63
Referent power was later split into ..??
Positive and Negative
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This power base is based on access to information
21 of 63
Informational power was later split into ..?
Direct and Indirect
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Reward, Coercive, Legitimate.These three power bases are?
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Expert, Referent, Informational. These three power bases are?
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The BBC had an article called 'how ________ learned the power of the gentle nudge'
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The BBC article argued that three things were effective at nudging: Positive language, showing the consequences of peoples actions and ..?
a personal touch
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The BBC article used what as an example to argue that a personal touch can be used to nudge people?
The Job Centre
27 of 63
The BBC used what as an example to argue that positive language can be used to nudge people?
police recruitment
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The BBC used what as an example to argue that telling people the consequences of their actions is good for nudging?
Unpaid Taxes
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Two negative things about reward power are that it only works if you have rewards to offer and that if you don't provide a reward when you promised to it could lead to?
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Who argued that reward power wouldn't lead to the change being internalised?
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A criticism of Coercive power is that it can cause what form of compliance?
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Who argued that coercive power is an effective method in schools? i.e. it might be effective in certain situations
Krause and Kearney
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Who argued that teachers and head teachers are given respect due to their legitimate power?
Krause and Kearney
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Who illustrated that authority is very powerful and can be used negatively? Hint: it involves a shock
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Expert and referent power are effective because they engender true commitment according to
Yukl and Falbe
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Who argued that expert and referent power lead are the most highly respected methods of power in the workplace?
Krause and Kearney
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Who could be used to argue that legitimate reciprocity and legitimate equity power are effective?
Robert Thurnwald
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Who argued that French & Raven didn't have enough components? They created their own model of power tactics
Yukl and Tracey
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This power tactic is used when someone uses logic and evidence to persuade others
rational persuasion
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This power tactic is used when someone appeals to someone's values and goals
Inspirational appeal
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This power tactic is used when the leader asks for a follower's help in planning something
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This power tactic is used when the influencer tries to influence someone through praise and compliments
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This power tactic is used when something is offered in exchange for a favour
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This power tactic is used when the influencer uses someone's loyalty to them
Personal appeal
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This power tactic is used when support is gained from others before making a request to someone
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This power tactic is used when someone's job title or position in the business makes someone comply
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This power tactic is used when coercion is used
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This power tactic is used when you ask someone to do something but offer them support and resources
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This power tactic is used when explaining the benefits of compliance
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Who found that the most powerful power tactics are consulation, inspirational appeal and ingratiation?
Yukl and Falbe
51 of 63
Three power tactics are most effective because they engender true commitment and have ______ long term outcomes
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Who found that the most ineffective power tactics are legitimating, pressure and coalition?
Yukl and Falbe
53 of 63
Three power tactics are the most ineffective because they lead to __________ and don't engender commitment
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A ______________ model was created by Raven in order to explain the influence process as a whole
power interaction
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The motivation for compliance. This is the ___________ component.
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Which ources of power are available and what would the outcome be. This is the ___________ component.
57 of 63
Prepare to influence, doing things to show you have power. This is the ___________ component.
58 of 63
Choose the power base and influence. This is the ___________ component.
59 of 63
The outcome. This is the ___________ component.
60 of 63
Which of French & Raven power bases are transformational leaders likely to use? The _____ ones
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Out of Yukl & Tracey's power tactics transformational leaders are most likely to use: personal appeal, inspirational appeal, consultation and?
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Who argues that women are more likely to use transformational leadership than men?
eagly et al
63 of 63
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Definition: the rights, obligations and duties associated with a specific position
Card 3
What flow of power is this: influencing those above you in a business

Card 4
What flow of power is this: influencing peers

Card 5
What flow of power is this: influencing those below you in the business

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